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"Writers, like teeth, are divided into grinders and incisors" (Walter Bagehot)

They say that a picture's worth a thousand words. But good writers don't need that many. What you say is important. And with a language as rich as English, there is enormous scope to get the tone right or horribly wrong.

Paul Donkersley of IKON is an acclaimed editor and copywriter. He has helped many companies grab attention by writing outstanding, stylish communications:

He has provided copywriting and editorial for a host of successful business, sports and marketing publications. Enterprise News won the BAIE (British Association of Industrial Editors) award for best company newspaper. Other successful, best selling marketing publications include: '.Com in Sport' (Sun Microsystems), 'CU in China' (Commercial Union) and 'Starting at the Back' (ISTD).

Books include twice Editor of the best selling business title 'Britain' s Top Employers - a guide to the 100 best companies to work for in the UK'. Paul also wrote the first book in the UK on fantasy sports: 'Dream League - a Guide to Success'. He has recently contributed keynote chapters to Dorling Kindersley's 'Young Manager's Handbook' and 3M/IoD's publication 'Innovation'.

Clients include: BNP Paribas, National Express, Federal Express, Vickers, 3M, Sun Microsystems, Dorling Kindersley, Railtrack, HP Bulmer, Corporate Research Foundation, Lambert Smith Hampton, Ferrari, Sporting Odds, TA Fisher, as well as a host of design and publications agencies.

Using a deliberate mixture of writing styles embracing attitude, colour, humour, Plain English and polemic, IKON's professional writing services will sharpen your business and customer communications.

(In his spare time, Paul is currently working on a new novel 'The Shelf Boys' (a sort-of male Bridget Jones diary)